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Rating and Reviewing a Game

How to leave game reviews

Jessica Moyer avatar
Written by Jessica Moyer
Updated over 4 months ago

After you've tried a game or had your students try it out, please let us know what you think! You'll be helping your fellow teachers, and you'll be helping Legends of Learning make better games!
The ratings and comments you submit will be visible to other teachers while exploring games.

NOTE: These ratings focus on game play. If you'd like to report a bug in a game, an error in curriculum, or offensive content, please contact our support team at

Search for the game name using the search bar at the top of the page.

Click the game tile for the game you'd like to review.

Click on Write a Review.

In the window that displays, you are first asked to give the game a star rating from 1-5. Select the number of stars that represent how well you liked the game. 

Once you select your overall star rating, you will automatically be taken to a rating screen to elaborate on your rating. Select a rating between 1-5 for each category below:

  • Effectiveness at explaining content

  • Student engagement

  • Clear instructions

  • Technical issues

By rating these individual categories, you’re helping other teachers, the game developer, and of course, the Legends of Learning staff understand the game’s strengths and weaknesses and where to improve.

After the star rating sections, write a comment to help other teachers and the game developer. Here, you can share user issues, ideas to enhance game clarity or ease of play, unclear concepts, and more. These written reviews play a big role in informing us about the game's effectiveness and areas for improvement!

When your rating and review are complete, click Submit Review

Students can also submit their own star ratings. After you assign an assignment, each student will see a rating request appear after each completed game. The student must fill in the number of stars before proceeding to the next game, or proceeding to Awakening for independent play.

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