Google Classroom grade passback is available for schools or districts that have purchased a premium license to our Learning Universe platform. For more information on school and district licenses, click here.
If you receive a message stating "We were not able to send the results to Google Classroom", the first step is to try sending the grades again. Most import errors are due to a brief connection error between Legends of Learning and Google Classroom.
If you still receive an error message, please do the following:
Delete the assignment from Google Classroom. DO NOT delete the assignment from the Legends of Learning site.
Post the assignment from Legends of Learning to Google Classroom again.
Attempt to send the grades from Legends of Learning to Google Classroom again.
If attempting to send the grades again after re-posting the assignment does not work, please email along with the following details:
Name of the assignment.
Date/time of your most recent attempt to send the grades to Google Classroom.
Screenshot of the error message you receive when trying to send the grades to Google Classroom.