During weekdays from 7 AM to 3 PM, students are taken to the Awakening School when they enter Awakening. By default, students are unable to access Awakening Town during these hours.
You are able to turn access on for Awakening Town during school hours in your Account Settings. Your Account Settings are located in the upper-right corner of your account.
Scroll down to the section titled Awakening Preferences. Switch the option from "off" to "on."
Students will now have the option to navigate into Awakening Town during school hours!
Parents are able to access the same setting for their child in the Parent Portal.
If a parent has switched their settings to "On," the student will be able to access the Awakening Town even if your teacher settings say "Off."
If students have multiple teachers in Legends of Learning, their Awakening Town access will be based on the teacher whose assignment they've completed or whose Focus Areas they are working on.