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Searching and Browsing for Content

How to search and browse games and videos by title, topic, and/or key word

Jessica Moyer avatar
Written by Jessica Moyer
Updated over 4 months ago

Searching For Content

Within Legends of Learning, you can search for content by game name, topic name, or key vocabulary.

To begin your search, click the search bar on the home page to type the game name, topic/standard name, or key vocabulary word.

If you are on another page on the site, you will be able to use the search box located at the top of the page, next to your name and teacher code.

After searching, you will see a list of standards, games, and video lessons available that relate to your search term.

Use any of the filters displayed under the search bar to filter content by:

Once you have filtered the search results, you will see a list of relevant content.

Browsing the Content Library

If you'd like to explore and preview all the topics we offer before assigning content to students, you may do so in the Library section of Legends of Learning.

Click the core subject and/or grade level you're teaching.

Each core subject consists of a collection standards. Click the standard you want to explore.

Each standard has its own set of games and videos. On the standard page, below the standard name and description, you can view all content available.

Additional Content Information

For any content selected from the search bar or content library, you will see overall teacher and student ratings, estimated length, content type, the grade level(s) the content has been created for, and the specific features.

Select the Assign This button to add the content to an assignment. You can add additional games, videos, and assessments to this assignment.

Select Try this Game to play the game yourself before assigning it to your students.

Select Watch Preview for a 1-2 minute overview video of the content.

Use the Write a Review button to review the game for fellow teachers and to leave feedback for game developers.

Scroll down to view the key vocabulary, game instructions, and main concepts covered.

Further down the page, you can also view content ratings and reviews from both teachers and students.

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