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Teacher-Level Data Reports By Standard
Teacher-Level Data Reports By Standard

How to pull data and usage reports by standard and across multiple standards

Jessica Moyer avatar
Written by Jessica Moyer
Updated over 5 months ago

Student performance data is available for schools or districts that have purchased a premium license to our Learning Universe platform. For more information on school and district licenses, click here.


  • School-level administrators at Legends of Learning partner schools can access data for all teachers at their school. Find out more information here.

  • District-level administrators at Legends of Learning partner districts can access data for all schools and teachers in their district. Find out more information here.

In this article, you will find:

To view student performance and usage data by standard, navigate to the Reports tab in Legends of Learning.

At the top left of the data table, select the subject for which you would like to view data.

Viewing Performance Data

The data table that displays will show aggregate Performance Data for any standard that you have assigned in Legends of Learning.

The data is summarized both by standard, and by student. For each student/standard, you can view:

  • Total number of questions answered

  • Number of questions correct

  • Percent correct

Student Performance Data By Teacher-Assigned Standard

In addition to the overall summary for each student, you can also find student performance per standard.

Any standard that you have assigned will be listed at the top of the data table.

Each student will have an icon representing their performance within the assigned standard.

  • Empty circle = Student has not started an assignment in this standard.

  • Half filled grey circle = NO ANSWERS YET = Student has started an assignment in this standard, but has not yet answered any questions in this standard.

  • Half filled blue circle = IN PROGRESS = Student has started an assignment in this standard, but has not answered the minimum number of questions needed to assess proficiency (default is 10 questions).

  • Orange circle = NEEDS IMPROVEMENT = Student has answered a minimum of 10 questions in this standard, but has answered less than 80% of the the questions correctly.

  • Green circle = PROFICIENT = Student has answered a minimum of 10 questions in this standard, and has answered at least 80% of the questions correctly.

Hover over any icon to receive an overview of performance for any student and standard.

The download button will allow you to download the data as a CSV file.

Filtering Data

NOTE: Filtering is only available for premium accounts. For more information on premium accounts, click here.

Click the Filters button in order to view the various ways to filter and manipulate the Performance, Usage, and Progression data.

Use the Date Range filter to change the dates for which you would like to view the data. The default date range is Aug 1, 2024 through current date.

Use the Topic filter to select specific standard(s) for which you would like to view data. In the box that appears, select the standard(s) you would like to view, and then click Done.

Use the Students and Groups filter to select specific students or groups of students for which you would like to view performance data. In the box that appears, select the student(s) and/or group(s) you would like to view, and then click DONE.

Use the Proficiency field to adjust the minimum percent correct that students must achieve in order to qualify as proficient. The default proficiency threshold is 80%.

Use the # of Q's field to adjust the minimum number of questions that students have to answer in order to be assessed for proficiency. The default number of questions is 10.

NOTE: Adjusting these fields will update the icons that appear in the student data table based on the new threshold(s) you have set. For example, a student indicated as NEEDS IMPROVEMENT may now show as PROFICIENT based on the new thresholds.

Awakening Performance Data

If interested in analyzing student usage and performance data from Awakening, simply unselect the Teacher Assigned button. The data displayed will include data from assignment Freeplay as well as student independent play in Awakening.

The Performance section will display data from Assignment FreePlay within Awakening.

While the Usage section will highlight the total number of hours played.

In the Progression section, you can view progress specifically for independent student play within Awakening. This section will show the progress students have made through the Math and/or Science unit progression that Legends of Learning provides.

Once students begin a unit, they will show as IN PROGRESS.

Students will remain IN PROGRESS until they have answered enough questions correctly to complete the unit. Completion of a unit is accomplished when students have scored a net of 10 points.

  • Correct answer = +1 point

  • Incorrect answer = -1 point

Once students have scored a net of 10 points, they will show as PROFICIENT.

Students will also receive a star rating of 0-3 based on the percentage of questions they answered correctly.

  • 0 stars = up to 60% correct

  • 1 star = 60-70% correct

  • 2 stars = 70-80% correct

  • 3 stars = 80%-100% correct

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