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Assignments in Your Account

Managing assignments you have created and assigned

Jessica Moyer avatar
Written by Jessica Moyer
Updated over 4 months ago

All assignments you create are saved in your Legends of Learning account.
To view all custom assignments you have created, click My Assignments on the left navigation menu.

Once on the Assignments page, you can see all assignments you've created, as well as their current status (Live, Scheduled, Draft, and Completed). You can also filter the list by assignment status.

All of your created assignments will have an Owner of "Me." If you are a Co-teacher, you will also see assignments from your primary teacher on this page, and can filter by teachers.

Draft Assignments

Assignment drafts are assignments that you have created but not yet assigned to students.

For any assignment draft, you can immediately assign the draft by clicking the Assign button in the Actions column. The pop up window will prompt you to confirm the start and end dates as well as the audience for the assignment before publishing. Choose Confirm to publish the assignment.

You can also choose to reopen the assignment builder to make edits to your assignment before publishing by clicking the assignment name or the Edit icon in the Actions column.

You can take additional actions by clicking the three dots in the Actions column:

  • Delete - Delete this draft entirely from your account.

  • Share with Another Teacher - Share this draft with another teacher to use with their students! Copy the link provided and send it to a fellow teacher.

  • Duplicate - Make a copy of this draft. You may want to use this feature for differentiation purposes.

Live Assignments

Live assignments are those that are currently open for students to complete.

For any Live assignment, you can take the following actions in the Actions column:

  • Performance - Click this icon to see student question performance data or monitor student progress and performance on your Live assignment.

  • Edit - Click this icon to update the assignment dates, groups, and name.

NOTE: You are not able to edit the games, videos, and assessments in a Live assignment. If you'd like to edit the games and assessments, you will need to duplicate the assignment and assign a new copy.

  • Delete - Delete this assignment entirely from your account.

  • Send Link to LMS - Push this assignment directly to Google Classroom or Canvas for students to access.

  • Send Scores to LMS - Send grades from this assignment directly to Google Classroom or Canvas.

  • How Students Access - View the student access instructions for help in sharing this assignment with your students.

  • Copy Student 'Join' Link - Provide students with a direct link to access this assignment.

  • Share with Another Teacher - Share this assignment with another teacher to use with their students! Copy the link provided and send it to a fellow teacher.

  • Duplicate - Make a copy of this assignment. You may want to use this feature for differentiation purposes.

  • End Assignment - If you wish for students to no longer have access to this assignment, but do not want to delete it entirely from your account, use the End Assignment option.

Scheduled Assignments

Scheduled assignments are those that are scheduled to go Live on a future date. Once the scheduled date arrives, the assignment will move to a Live status.

For any scheduled assignment, you can take the following actions in the Actions column:

  • Edit - Click this icon to update the assignment dates, groups, and name.

NOTE: You are not able to edit the games, videos, and assessments in a scheduled assignment. If you'd like to edit the games and assessments, you will need to duplicate the assignment and schedule a new copy.

  • Delete - Delete this assignment entirely from your account.

  • Send Link to LMS - Push this assignment directly to Google Classroom or Canvas for students to access.

  • Send Scores to LMS - Send grades from this assignment directly to Google Classroom or Canvas. This will only work if students have completed all or part of the assignment before the start date was changed.

  • How Students Access - View the student access instructions for help in sharing this assignment with your students. Please note that students will not be able to access the assignment until the scheduled start date.

  • Copy Student 'Join' Link - Provide students with a direct link to access this assignment.

  • Share with Another Teacher - Share this assignment with another teacher to use with their students! Copy the link provided and send it to a fellow teacher.

  • Duplicate - Make a copy of this assignment. You may want to use this feature for differentiation purposes.

  • End Assignment - If you wish for students to no longer have access to this assignment, but do not want to delete it entirely from your account, use the End Assignment option.

Completed Assignments

Completed assignments are those that were previously Live, and the end date has now passed.

For any completed assignment, you can take the following actions in the Actions column:

  • Performance - Click this icon to see student question performance data as well as view student progress and performance on your completed assignment.

  • Edit - If you would like to re-open a completed assignment, click this icon to update the end date of the assignment.

NOTE: You are not able to edit the games, videos, and assessments in a completed assignment. If you'd like to edit the games and assessments, you will need to duplicate the assignment and assign a new copy.

  • Delete - Delete this assignment entirely from your account.

  • Send Scores to LMS - Send grades from this assignment directly to Google Classroom or Canvas.

  • Share with Another Teacher - Share this assignment with another teacher to use with their students! Copy the link provided and send it to a fellow teacher.

  • Duplicate - Make a copy of this assignment. You may want to use this feature for differentiation purposes or to adjust the assignment for future use.

You can search for assignments by name, assigned group, or status.

For all assignments, you can view the assignment status, name, owner, groups, and due date.

You can also create a new assignment directly from this page.

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