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Resetting Student Passwords

How to reset individual student passwords or reset your entire class

Jessica Moyer avatar
Written by Jessica Moyer
Updated over 4 months ago

If a student has forgotten their password or you need to reset passwords for your entire class, you can always do so by navigating to your Students page.

To get started, click on the My Students tab from the left navigation menu.

Resetting Passwords for Individual Students

On the Students page, find the student for whom you need to reset the password. You can search for the student by name using the search bar.

Under the Actions column, click the three dots, then choose Reset Password.

In the window that pops up, you have two options to reset student passwords.

  • If you would like students to choose their own password, click Reset Password under the option Student Forgot Their Password?.


  • Type in a New Password that you would like students to use under Create a new password.

Once the password is reset, the Student Password window will close and you will see a confirmation at the top of your screen that the password has been reset.

Resetting Multiple Students' Passwords

Using the bulk password reset option, you are able to reset the password of multiple students at once!

Select the checkbox located beside the Last Name column, this will then select all students in your list. Unselect the checkboxes to the left of the student list for any students you do not wish to reset passwords for.

Click the three dots at the top left of the student list, then choose Reset Student Password.

In the window that pops up, you have two options to reset student passwords for your selected number of students.

  • If you would like students to choose their own password, click Reset Password under the option Student Forgot Their Password?.


  • Type in a New Password that you would like students to use under Create a new password.

Once the password is reset, a green confirmation message will appear in the top center of your screen.

The next time this student joins a Legends of Learning assignment, they will be prompted to enter a new password.

If you want to learn how to access student login cards, click here.

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